2 Corinthians 1:10


The best way you can help is to pray. God hears our prayers. He listens to us. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their cry. (Ps 34.15)

Please pray specifically for the following:

  • Ethiopian Orphans - With 5 million orphans in Ethiopia, the vast majority of them will not be adopted. Pray for their safety, food supply, shelter, and care.
  • The Poor - As Christians we are commanded to care for the poor. This starts but does not end with prayer. Part of prayer is changing our hearts and attitudes toward those we pray for.
  • Adoptive Parents - For strength during the grueling adoption process. For the will to make safe and godly homes for their future children.
  • Adoptive Children - For adjustment to their new life, emotional and physical health, and growth in their love for their new parents.
  • The Tesfa Alliance - That God use the organization to meet the needs of the destitute and fatherless.